Saturday, November 9, 2013

Psalm 32--Worship Resources

UMH: Amazing Grace, #378
UMH: Grace Greater Than Our Sin, #365
W&S: Confession (Musical Response), #3138
FWS: You Are My Hiding Place, #2055
While I Keep Silence--Wright
Psalm 32--Mike & Liz Mumford
You are my Hiding Place
Pretty much any Kyrie would be appropriate, too.

Prayers of Confession and Pardon:
W&S: #84-97
BOW: #474-494


Songs of Deliverance from Biltmore Baptist Church on Vimeo.

Sermon Illustrations:
10 Risks Happy People Take:
Many of these "risks" have to do with opening up about being imperfect, off-track, and being willing to grow. Sounds like what it means to open up to God in confession. Could see using this list in a sermon series on beatitudes: "Happy are those..."

Nelson Mandella's ability to forgive:
A video on Nelson Mandella's forgiveness of those who imprisoned him. Conversation turns to how to begin the process of forgiveness. Clincial Psychologist discusses changing perception--confession and assurance from God can help us do this. Biblical scholar Brent Strawn discusses Psalms, especially in dealing with enemies (at 6:40). Conversation with God keeps our own sin and sin of others from taking over our entire lives.

Missional Connection:
Freeing Slaves to Rebuild Lives:
Some of our confession may need to be on a societal level. In the case of human-trafficking, I think many of us would prefer to keep our silence on the matter--to pretend that this issue just didn't exist. But in acknowledging and talking about this issue, we begin to confess the sins of our world, even if they are not our own personal sins, and can participate in sharing God's grace in these darkened paths.

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